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Rom Viper OS Untuk Andromax A Nougat V3.1.1 |
Features dari Rom Viper OS for Andromax A sebagai berikut:
Statusbar* Traffic indicators
* Statusbar items
* Clock & date
* Battery icon settings
* Carrier label
* Quick settings personalization
* Other statusbar settings
* VPN icon toggle
* Data saver icon toggle
* VoLTE icon
* Viper statusbar logo
* Option to Display Data Disabled indicator Icons
* Ticker
* Heads up toogle, timeout and snooze function
* Add/Remove QS shortcuts with one click
* Custom lockscreen settings
* Lockscreen weather
* Option to hide lockscreen clock, date & alarm text
* Hide status bar on lockscreen
* Hide power menu on secure lockscreen
* Hide quick settings on secure lockscreen
* Lockscreen flashlight, double tap anywhere to sleep and disable media image
Multi tasking
* Round button on recents
* Recents style toggle: cards and grid
* Recents membar
* Viper Color Engine built from scratch
* Lawnchair as default launcher (+DT2S)
* Navbar enable/disable
* Pixel navbar (with animation) toggle
* Dynamic navbar
* Navbar dimensions
* Navbar button layout
* Hardware keys binding
* Hardware keys enable/disable
* Kill app with back button
* Power menu customization
* Heads up toogle, timeout and snooze function
* Reset battery stats
* Wired headset: make ringtone audio focus customizable
* Live volume steps
* Hide arrows in network traffic indicators
* Fingerprint authentication vibration
* Toast icon switch
* Advanced Bluetooth, Data, Wifi Toggles
* Disable/enable screenshot sound
* QS header icon settings
* Header date and time positions
* Unlock keystore with fingerprint
* Ability to toggle vibration when double tapping power button for camera
* Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
* Drop Lineage LockClock, use OmniJaws
* Drop AOSP Clock app, use from Google
* Custom ambient display settings
* Three Fingers Swipe for Screenshot
* PA Accidental Touch
Video Record
Credits & Thanks to:
Allah SWT
Muhammad SAW
Kedua Orang Tua & My Family
All ViperOS Team
LineageOS team
ResurrectionRemix team
Isal Alexi SyndicateSyndrom
Galih Sindicated
crDroid team
@dev_harsh1998 for his sources and hardwork
Link Download Rom Viper, Gapps dan Fix Rom via Google Drive:
File Rom Viper OS untuk Andromax A Via Google Drive
Gapps pilih Arm 7.1 pico Google Drive
Fix Rom Viper Google Drive
- Segala akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh ROM ini Bukan Tanggung Jawab Saya
- Pastikan custom recovery TWRP sudah terinstall di Android kamu.
- Sangat direkomendasikan untuk lakukan backup ROM via TWRP sebelum install ROM baru
Cara install Rom Viper OS Untuk Andromax A Nougat V3.1.1
- Matikan android kamu
- Masuk ke menu TWRP. pilih WIPE terus Swipe To Factory Reset
- Setelah selesai lanjut dengan memilih menu Install terus kamu cari dan file yang sudah di download tadi
- Berikutnya swipe to install dan tunggu sampai instalasi selesai
- Setelah proses instalasi selesai pilih Reboot System
- Done
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